Welcome to Google Apps for UCLA.
Google Apps is an integrated communication and collaboration solution offered by Google, which includes Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, and more. Google Apps is available to employees, students, alumni, and retirees. Affiliated individuals can be granted accounts with appropriate authorization.
If you are eligible for a Google Apps for UCLA account and are experiencing issues logging in, please contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-HELP (4357), help@it.ucla.edu, or visit their help desk at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124.

Google Apps for UCLA is a suite of hosted email and collaboration applications for schools, universities, and non-profit organizations. This suite of services includes Gmail (Google’s email service), Google Calendar, Google Docs (Google’s web-based office software suite), and more.
For help with using Google Apps for UCLA, you may visit the following resources:
Or, for help with access-related or UCLA-specific issues, see the Google Apps section of the IT Support Center's knowledge base or contact the IT Support Center at (310) 267-HELP (4357), help@it.ucla.edu, or visit their help desk at Kerckhoff Hall, Suite 124.